Friday, August 06, 2004

Malicious program aims for Pocket PCs - News - ZDNet

Malicious program aims for Pocket PCs - News - ZDNet:
"A malicious Trojan horse program has emerged for Pocket PCs, antivirus companies said Thursday, but they characterized the threat as relatively low.

The program, known alternately as Backdoor.Bardor.A and WinCE.Brador.a, lets an attacker gain full control of the handheld and is the first such 'backdoor Trojan' program to emerge for Pocket PCs. However, such backdoor programs are not capable of propagating on their own and instead must be sent as e-mail attachments or through similar means, making them less dangerous.

Symantec rated the bug a '1,' the lowest on its five-point scale. In a statement, the company offered the standard warning not to open or execute files from unknown sources.… "

Last month, researchers identified the first Windows CE virus, which researchers said was mostly a "proof-of-concept" bug, or one designed to demonstrate its own feasibility.

"We were certain that a viable malicious program for PDAs would appear soon after the first proof-of-concept viruses emerged for mobile phones and Windows Mobile," Eugene Kaspersky, head of Anti-Virus Research at Kaspersky Labs, said in a statement. "WinCE.Brador.a is a full-scale malicious program ready to go: unlike proof-of-concept malware (malicious software), Brador has a complete set of destructive functions typical for back doors."

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