Friday, September 10, 2004

Using special characters as typographic niceties

Using special characters as typographic niceties:
"Using special characters on Web pages
Generally speaking, you can use any of the characters that appear on the standard computer keyboard in the text of your Web page. The only exceptions are the ampersand (&), less than (<), and greater than (>) symbols, which have special meaning in HTML/XHTML code and are reserved for that use.

The standard keyboard characters are only a limited subset of the characters available. There are many other special-purpose characters available in the extended character set of most fonts, including accented letters, math symbols, and an assortment of punctuation characters and symbols.

In order to use one of the reserved symbols (&, <, >) or an extended character in a Web page, you must use an escape sequence, which is a sequence of characters that forms a special code instructing the browser to render the character identified by the code instead of the individual characters that make up the code. "

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