Friday, March 18, 2005

Alternative Browsers and Java Lead Spyware to IE

By Michael Myser
“Windows and Microsoft products are going to be the first targets because they're so ubiquitous. Other applications will become targets as they become more popular.”
According Christopher Boyd, the researcher, versions of alternative browsers including Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape and Avant all allow the execution of code within IE.…

“A malicious batch of adware and spyware has appeared that can use Firefox and other alternative browsers to infect Microsoft's IE.

According to a researcher at in the United Kingdom, if a user visits a site hosting the malicious code and agrees to install the applications despite security warnings, Internet Explorer will automatically run and deluge the computer with pop-up ads and offers, regardless of IE security settings.

While the security and infection threat is relatively low—in addition to the security warnings, the code only affects users of Sun's JRE (Java Runtime Environment), and so far is only found at a Neil Diamond lyrics site—it illustrates the continued expansion of malicious code targeting alternative browsers, as well as a unique cross-browser capability.

"Firefox will retain an edge in security for some time, but the notion that you'll be impervious to threats due to using Firefox is an illusion," said Jim Slaby, a senior analyst with the Yankee Group.

"The criminal element has decided that it's profitable enough to write malware that targets it."

This code, however, doesn't work only through Firefox to get at IE.…”,1759,1776347,00.asp

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