Saturday, April 02, 2005

If You're Users Can Leave Comments,
You Have the Problem of Comment Spam.

By Ajit Monteiro

“Spam is no longer limited to email. If you run a Website on which you allow users to leave comments, you have undoubtedly faced the problem of comment spam.

The spammers' aim is not to redirect some of your traffic to their site, which is the obvious initial conclusion; it is to increase their (or their clients') ranking in search engines. Most search engines now count in a site's ranking how many other Websites have linked to it. By leaving comments on your site, the spammers' sites can achieve a slightly higher search engine ranking.

The spammers' job is to get around spam-blockers and target the security of individual Websites; though occasionally they do so on a manual basis, by far the most common forms of comment spam are achieved with spam "bots" or scripts. Unfortunately, many site owners don't focus on their Websites as their day job, which can make adapting to spam bots difficult.

Rules of Thumb

When you find that your site is the victim of comment spam, it's easy to react strongly, on a per-case basis, rather than look at the bigger picture. These Rules of Thumb should help you keep things in perspective.

The most important of these rules is: don't take it personally. Spammers don't want to degrade your site. They simply want to get people to their sites and make a larger profit.

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