Friday, October 31, 2003

"About Us" -- Presenting Information About an Organization on Its Website (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox):
Study participants searched websites for background information ranging from company history to management biographies and contact details. Their success rate was 70%, leaving much room for usability improvements in the 'About Us' designs. "

Representing a company or organization on the Internet is one of a website's most important jobs. Explaining the company's purpose and what it stands for provides essential support for any of the site's other goals. Unfortunately, most websites do a poor job on this explanation.

It is fairly common for sites to have an About Us section, and in fact I recommend having a homepage link that's explicitly called either About or About Us. This link need not be the most prominent on the homepage, but it should be present and easily visible. In our study, users had trouble locating company information when the link had a nonstandard name, like Info Center, or when it was placed near graphical elements that looked like advertisements and thus were ignored.…

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