Search Inside the Book
How It Works
A significant extension of our groundbreaking Look Inside the Book feature, Search Inside the Book allows you to search millions of pages to find exactly the book you want to buy. Now instead of just displaying books whose title, author, or publisher-provided keywords that match your search terms, your search results will surface titles based on every word inside the book. Using Search Inside the Book is as simple as running an search. For example:
1. Let's say that you're interested in finding books about "rocket experiments." Just as you do today, type "rocket experiments" into our search box and click the GO! button. You'll get a list of the books that contain that term in the author's name, the book's title, or in the book's text. Books participating in our Search Inside the Book feature with "rocket experiments" in their text will show an excerpt with your search term highlighted. To see all references to "rocket experiments" within a particular book, click the "See more references to 'rocket experiments' in this book" link.
2. This link will take you to an index page for the book you selected, where you will see excerpts from all the pages where "rocket experiments" appears. This is a great way to quickly and easily browse sections of the book that are relevant to your search. If you want to see a specific page from the book in its entirety, simply click on the link to that page.
3. At this point, one of two things will happen. If you are a registered, recognized customer, you will go directly to the page you selected. If you are not a recognized customer, we will ask you to sign in or create an account (if you're not already a customer). Once you have signed in or set up an account with us, we'll take you directly to the page you selected. Once there, you'll see that "rocket experiments" is highlighted throughout the page and that you can browse forward and back two pages. Additionally, you'll find a navigation bar above the page that allows you to search for other terms in the book and browse other pages. Of course, you can always purchase the book by adding it to your Shopping Cart or by using 1-Click ordering, and we'll deliver the book to your door.
Search Inside the Book FAQ
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
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