Monday, October 17, 2011

Well worth a peek

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Well worth a peek
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Tuesday, October 04, 2011

+Matt Kloskowski is a natural treasure of...

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+Matt Kloskowski is a natural treasure of Photoshop tips and techniques.
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Monday, October 03, 2011

First, I fell in love with paper: the way...

Alfred Ingram shared a post with you on Google+. Google+ makes sharing on the web more like sharing in real life. Learn more.
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First, I fell in love with paper: the way its surface feels, its weight, how it folds. I fell in love with type sometime around the age of fourteen. I was fascinated by colophons in the backs of books. There was Clarendon, Garamond, Palatino. I had a part time job in a letterpress shop.

You know what, the infatuation never went away. - Type is everywhere. Every print publication, website, movie, advertisement and public message involves the creation or selection of a fitting typeface. Online, a rich and artistic...
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Tuesday, September 06, 2011

TechCrunch As We Know It Has Been Broken On The Altar Of "Objectivity"

TechCrunch As We Know It May Be Over | TechCrunch:
"The conflicts we need to worry about are the ones not disclosed. They’re far more prevalent and they do actually deceive readers because they’re far more subtle. But that’s an impossible task. AOL can’t fix that — no one can. So instead they’ll slaughter the lamb everyone can see to gain puffery amongst the old media peers who also live to die another day.

It has almost been exactly one year since AOL acquired us. At the time, they promised not to interfere with the way we do things. For 11+ months, they’ve kept their word, and things have run beautifully from our end. Our business is one of the few sterling ornaments on their mantel. Now they may break their promise to us. And if that promise is broken, it will break TechCrunch."

Disclosure works.

The pretense of "objectivity" has failed both mainstream and new media repeatedly and catastrophically. Even worse it repeatedly and catastrophically fails the audience, you and me.

The pretense of "objectivity" covers both sides of an argument as if they were equally valid recklessly regardless of demonstrable fact.

The pretense of "objectivity" ignores the insanity of performing the same experiment over and over because some religiously held theory says results should be different.

The pretense of "objectivity" treats people who believe the earth is the center of the universe with the same, or even better, coverage they give Newton or Einstein.

The pretense of "objectivity" almost never looks beyond the obvious or questions why whatever's going on is going on.

Because nitwits are treated like reasonable people, we almost default on the bills that as a nation we already agreed to pay. markets go into freefall, because trying to run the United States as if it was a Mom and Pop store is treated as rational instead of the ravings of people who have no clue that the United States more than them and their immediate neighbors.

The pretense of "objectivity" fires a dedicated man who loves tech companies so much that he would help startups in a down economy.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Ex-CIA Official Warns Black Hat Attendees of Coming Cyber-War - Security - News & Reviews -

Ex-CIA Official Warns Black Hat Attendees of Coming Cyber-War - Security - News & Reviews -
"The former U.S. counter-terrorism official who raised the alarm that a major terrorist attack was coming before 9/11 is now warning that cyber-war is an imminent threat."

Many of the top decision makers, Cofer said, are still ignorant of the threats that are out there and how they target major corporations, government agencies and the defense industry.

Cofer Black, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency’s Counterterrorist Center, said in his keynote speech Aug. 3 at the Black Hat conference. Cofer was the U.S. Department of State’s coordinator for counter-terrorism with the rank of ambassador at large from December 2002 to November 2004.

The ability of Stuxnet to physically damage equipment has made cyber-security significantly more important, Black said. The fact that cyber-attacks can impact the physical world means cyber-techniques must be considered as a tool that terrorists can utilize, Black said.

Stuxnet damaged centrifuges used to enrich uranium in Iran's nuclear facility setting back the country's nuclear development program. The latest reports indicate Iran is replacing the centrifuges outright because of the damage.

“I can’t say I understand how it was executed, but the important point is, this is expensive to pull off, which means a nation-state was involved,” Black said, adding that cyber-attacks will be “key component” of future conflict against “a nation-state, a rogue state or terrorist groups.”