Saturday, August 11, 2012

*Are You a storyteller?*

Are You a storyteller? - Chip Kidd doesn't judge books by their cover, he creates covers that embody the book -- and he does it with a wicked sense of humor. In one of the funniest talks from TED2012, he shows...
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*Once upon a time, there were typesetters...

Once upon a time, there were typesetters. Also, Rubber cement, hot wax pasteboards and x-acto knives.
FunctionFox Resources | Articles – Out of the box: Simple guidelines for better typography by Brian Sooy | FunctionFox Systems
Having worked with layout software since the days of Adobe PageMaker - through tests and trial and error - Brian Sooy shares a simple set of standards and guidelines for better typography.
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*The title is slightly off. The article is...

The title is slightly off. The article is dead on.
Writing A Creative Brief: Dragging The Right Information Out Of A Client
For every assignment, for every project, whether you are a freelancer or work a staff job, it's of the utmost importance that you document every aspect of what is required to complete the project both...
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*We can deal with clients from hell.* *How...

We can deal with clients from hell.

How do you deal clients from another planet?

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*I bet you didn't know you could do these...

I bet you didn't know you could do these things with Google search.

*Find out more at http://searchresearc*
How to solve impossible problems: Daniel Russell's awesome Google search techniques
It's not often you get to hear advice directly from someone at Google who offers you his favorite search tools, methods and perspectives to help you find the impossible.
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*Spec work is the opposite of value.* *Unless...

Spec work is the opposite of value.

Unless, your landlord rents on spec.

Or the power company lets you have electricity on spec.

Or... Transcription: In the Design World SPEC WORK is short for SPECULATIVE WORK and that means... ummmm... its kind of like...View or comment on Alfred Ingram's post »
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*Most of this article applies just as much...

Most of this article applies just as much to graphic designers, illustrators or photographers as much as it does to web designers and developers.

My one caveat is to remember that just as no battle plan survives contact with the enemy, no business plan survives changing markets.

Never forget things change.

Japanese watch companies became printer companies.

American watch companies not so much

I remember a typesetter in the early 1990s telling me that desktop programs could never put him out of business...
How to Make a Living in the Web Industry - SitePoint
Making a living in any business is a challenge. Here are four things you must do consistently to succeed.
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*That's OK, but somebody has to market, sell...

That's OK, but somebody has to market, sell ,pound the pavement.

If you're self employed, that's you and a big chunk of your day.
"I Draw Pictures All Day" | Smashing Magazine
What does it mean to be a doodler, to draw pictures all day? Why do we doodle? Most of all, what does it mean to our work? It turns out that the simple act of scribbling on a page helps us think, reme...
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