Thursday, September 11, 2003

Product Security Notification
To subscribe to the Microsoft Security Notification Service, please visit the Microsoft Profile Center at

To unsubscribe to the Microsoft Security Notification Service, please visit the Microsoft Profile Center at

This is a free e-mail notification service that Microsoft uses to send information to subscribers about the security of Microsoft products.

The goal of this service is to provide accurate information to our customers that they can use to inform and protect themselves from malicious attacks. Our security team investigates issues reported directly to Microsoft, as well as issues discussed in certain popular security newsgroups. When we publish bulletins, they'll contain information on what the issue is, what products it affects-if any, how to protect yourself against, what we plan to do to fix the problem, and links to other sources of information on the issue.

This service supplements our existing security reporting procedures. You can continue to read security bulletins and other information about Microsoft product security on

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