Tuesday, December 23, 2003

SecurityFocus HOME Infocus: Firewall Evolution - Deep Packet Inspection:
"Deep Packet Inspection is a term used to describe the capabilities of a firewall or an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to look within the application payload of a packet or traffic stream and make decisions on the significance of that data based on the content of that data. The engine that drives deep packet inspection typically includes a combination of signature-matching technology along with heuristic analysis of the data in order to determine the impact of that communication stream. While the concept of deep packet inspection sounds very nice it is not so simple to achieve in practice. The inspection engine must use a combination of signature-based analysis techniques as well as statistical, or anomaly analysis, techniques. Both of these are borrowed directly from intrusion detection technologies. In order to identify traffic at the speeds necessary to provide sufficient performance newer ASICs will have to be incorporated into existing firewall designs. These ASICs, or Network Processors Units (NPUs), provide for fast discrimination of content within packets while also allowing for data classification. Deep Packet Inspection capable firewalls must not only maintain the state of the underlying network connection but also the state of the application utilizing that communication channel."


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