Friday, December 05, 2003

Warning: Look Out for the eBay Scam:
"The trick message arrived with a very official looking header featuring eBay's logo. It was signed 'Thank you, Accounts Management.' The text read: 'Dear eBay Member, We at eBay are sorry to inform you that we are having problems with the billing information of your account. We would appreciate it if you would visit our website, eBay Billing Center, and fill out the proper information that we are needing to keep you as an eBay member.' The 'eBay Billing Center' referenced was a link to a Web page asking for a credit card number, a social security number, and more. The message also contained an '' suffix, just as a real message from an eBay employee might."

As is often true in spoof messages and phishing efforts, the trick e-mail contained telltale signs that it did not come from eBay. The subject line of the message read "eBay Member Billing Information Uptade" with the word "update" misspelled. The text string "fill out the proper information that we are needing" also had suspicious syntax.…,4149,1402431,00.asp

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