Tuesday, May 25, 2004

PHP and PEAR, Instant XML with PHP and PEAR::XML_Serializer

Instant XML with PHP and PEAR::XML_Serializer:
"These days, XML has become part of landscape in most all areas of software development -- none more so than on the Web. Those using common XML applications, such as RSS and XML-RPC, will probably find public domain libraries geared specifically to help them work with the formats, eliminating the need for wheel re-invention."

But for "ad-hoc" XML documents, you may be on your own, and you may well wind up spending valuable time building code to parse it. You may also find yourself needing to expose data as XML, in order to make it available to some other system or application, and while XML, in the end, is just text, generating a document that obeys XML's rules for well-formedness can be trickier than it seems. Enter: PEAR::XML_Serializer, the "Swiss Army Knife" for XML


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